Job Opportunities in Outsourcing
August 19, 2008 | Leave a Comment
As more and more companies in the West outsource work to achieve flexibility and lower costs, a lot of people are left in the lurch, downsized, out-of-work. Could there be a silver lining to all of this?
Apparently there is. If Life gives you lemons, then make lemonade to sell, even if it means selling it yourself off-shore.
Outsourcing provides opportunities to everyone. It’s not taking jobs, but making jobs as well.
India – The Buck Stops Here
August 18, 2008 | Leave a Comment
Brutal cost-cutting have taken a bite out of the Big Apple and knocked some numbers of Big Ben as banks and financial firms in New York and London are now farming out data-intensive tasks to lower-cost regions, primarily to the biggest region of them all: India.
US Presidential Nominees on Outsourcing – A Follow up
August 6, 2008 | Leave a Comment
Venture, an authoritative Web resource for outsourcing, off-shoring issues and information, invited the Democratic and Republican 2008 U.S. presidential nominees Senator Barack
Obama (Illinois state, Democrat Party) and Senator John McCain (Arizona state, Republican Party) to share their thoughts on outsourcing, immigration and H1-B visas.
Origins of Outsourcing
June 26, 2008 | 2 Comments
Outsourcing is the business practice where companies contract out selected operations to other companies that specialize in those operations in order to lower cost and improve efficiency. Though formally introduced as a business strategy in 1989, this practice’s origins began in the aftermath of World War II.
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