

Software as a service is a modern means of software deployment where a provider licenses a software application to clients for use as a service on demand.

David F. Carr writes that there are five, count ’em 5, things chief information officers and IT department heads have to watch out for, especially when it comes to acquiring safe, secure and successful Software as a Service (SaaS) contracts.

  1. Reliable Services
  2. Vendor Guarantees, like escrow
  3. Adequate notices on changes and upgrades
  4. Rogue Deployments
  5. Resistance to SaaS

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Business research firm Gartner identifies six signposts to watch for in screening and selecting their business process outsourcing partners/providers near-shore or off-shore.

Like any business entity, service providers are aslo exposed to the economic crisis,  many will struggle to survive. Some companies may  be acquired and others might exit the BPO services market completely to be replaced by new players.

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Know your Outsourcing.

Outsourcing Opinions gathers comprehensive articles and analyses on the current news and information, from world media agencies and authoritative sources, regarding outsourcing, off-shoring and business.

In this issue of Outsourcing News Round-up, we have an article on 3 outsourcing dangers as well as news from India that seems as a rebuttal to Gartner’s prediction that the outsourcing industry there face a survival test.

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In a previous Outsourcing Opinions article “Outsourcing – Above the Storm”, chief executive of the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) Oscar Sanez states that many BPO centers in Metro Manila area remain unaffected by the passage of tropical storm Ketsana (local name Ondoy) despite heavy flooding.

Now, a week later, a more pragmatic report of the damage brought on by the heavy rains on the Philippines’ business process outsourcing sector in main island Luzon is released.

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