

The Department of Education (DepEd) of the Philippines plans to mainstream basic law subjects into the regular curriculum of elementary and high schools, to mold the students into responsible and law-abiding citizens.

The Public Education on the Rule of Law Advancement and Support (PERLAS) modules had been turned over to DepEd for integration into the basic education curriculum, after a series of teacher trainings and field testings conducted nationwide since last year.

PERLAS, now on its second phase, is aimed at educating and informing the public, especially students, about the workings of the justice system.

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In an early Outsourcing Opinions article, The Philippines Supports US Law Firms Through Outsourcing, the benefits of legal outsourcing were highlighted. US law firms are outsourcing the labor intensive tasks of their legal matters to off-shore destinations like the Philippines and doing so makes these lawyers able to provide better value services to their clients.

In light of this, the American Bar Association (ABA) and its Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility recently announced its formal opinion which concludes that US lawyers are free to outsource legal work to lawyers and paralegals domestically or internationally, provided that they adhere to certain ethical rules.

In Muneris ut Lex. In service to the Law.

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