

Social networks, like Facebook and Multiply, can be very addictive for many people as they spend, or waste, their time interacting with friends and family online. But the application can be very productive, or profitable, for enterprising individuals and organizations.

Use Facebook, or the social network of your choice, to improve your public standing, credibility and reputation amongst your peers, colleagues, and consumer/customer base.

Here are some tips.

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The third annual International Outsourcing Summit will take place in the Philippines this coming October 11 to 12.

Organized by the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) and other key partners, this year’s Summit will feature presentations and panel discussions with more than 60 top executives and analysts from leading organizations.

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The largest private employer in the Philippines, Convergys, announced plans of expanding with a fourth state-of-the-art facility in Cebu City.

The announcement comes just weeks after Convergys announced it is currently constructing a new contact center in Baguio City, the country’s summer capital.

The new facility will be located in the TGU Tower, Asiatown IT Park.

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India Incorportated, particulay its business process outsourcing (BPO) sector, is virtually ‘voice-less’ as the Philippines fast upstages India’s back office supremacy.

Worldwide, BPO service providers and customers head towards the island nation as the better-value destination for voice services in customer relationship management, the very core of global outsourcing business.

Read more about this development here

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