







The Philippines’ information technology and business process management (IT-BPM) industry expands its presence in Australia, one of the industry’s fastest-growing markets.

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In the book The Black Book of Outsourcing, authors and consultants Brown and Wilson identified what they call the top 10 major sins of outsourcing, that can sideline the success of any enterprise’s outsourcing initiatives.

In order to present a positive bent on these 10 major pitfalls, this piece would re-consider them as bases for the 10 Commandments of Outsourcing.

These are as follows:

1. Obtain commitment from executive management.
2. Develop an outsourcing communications plan.
3. Learn about outsourcing methodologies.
4. Recognize outsourcing business risks.
5. Consult outsourcing professionals
6. Dedicate the best and brightest internal resources.
7. Proceed carefully through each of the outsourcing phases.
8. Recognize the impact of cultural differences.
9. Acknowledge what it will take to ensure vendor productivity.
10. Implement a formal outsourcing governance program.

For today, let’s take a look into the first five commandments.

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In today’s business environment, competition is tough and the market is constantly at demand. This is why a growing number of enterprises turn to the strategy of outsourcing and off-shoring to prized destinations like Cebu, Philippines.

Outsourcing, when done right, achieves reduced costs, an improved workforce and a reduced time to market.

In line with this consider the three P’s.

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The enterprises and firms in the United Kingdom are keen on the Philippines as an exciting market to boost reciprocal investment.

This bright outlook of the UK; as it sets its sights on Southeast Asia as a priority growth area, is due to the dim prospects in Western economies.

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