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International collaboration for off-shore support catapulted India to the forefront of the IT world, making it a premier outsourcing destination. Read the figures that make such a claim valid here

Greener pastures are sprouting in Europe’s main continent for India’s IT and software services to the tune of USD 200 billion. Read more about this development here


The Commission on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) sees a demand for new service skills, particularly in human resources development, in the country’s business process outsourcing (BPO) industry as more multinational industries are outsourcing functions to cut costs.

Read more on this news here

The CICT also throws a challenge to Cebu’s information communications and technology stakeholders to sustain its number one position as “Emerging BPO hub” in the world. Read more about this challenge here

According to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ Business Expectation Survey [BES], results show that in the third quarter of 2009, the business confidence index hit a positive 18.4 percent, indicating that businessmen have turned optimistic in their outlook on the economy and confident about the profitability of their businesses.

Read more about this promising change in perspective here


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