

Microsoft Philippines will promote cloud computing services as an effective solution in organizing infrastructures for government and commercial enterprises.

Microsoft makes this pledge during the recently concluded policy workshop “Leveraging the Cloud to Promote Sustainable Development.”

The Business Software Alliance (BSA), Commission on Information and Communication Technology (CICT) and the Information Technology Association of the Philippines (ITAP) organized the workshop, which aimed to increase the awareness of integrating cloud computing in business and government operations, as well as to ensure that appropriate policies are implemented.

According to the BSA, Asia has the potential to become the worldwide hub for cloud computing services. This potential will be determined by the BSA through its launched comparative study “The APAC Digital Economy and Cloud Computing Scorecard 2011.”

The Philippines can participate in cloud computing, once the country is able to secure and safe infrastructures for its businesses. The Philippines can maximize cloud computing services to generate greater benefits and improve economic growth with sustainable development.

Microsoft recognizes the advantages of deploying cloud computing services, as these can enhance work productivity, enable better business processes, and support green computing.

The greatest challenge to cloud adoption is data security, how to best to keep information secure and guarded against unauthorized access. Microsoft commits to develop cloud computing in the Philippines, to close gaps and secure breaches, that it’ll be resistant to common forms of malicious attacks.

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"Microsoft commits to help plug
gaps in cloud computing in PH."
5 August 2011. Sun Star Cebu.
8 August 2011. Link Here.


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