Considered as one of the strongest economic boosters of the Philippines, the country’s Information Technology and Business Process Outsourcing (IT-BPO) sector sees a more robust year this 2011, as the industry projects at least USD11 billion in revenues.
The Business Processing Association of the Philippines, with its government counterpart the Commission on Information and communications Technology (CICT), expects 2011, as the “turning point” year to make the Philippines the premier destination for outsourcing investments in the world, to recognized for the top position, instead of India.
The positive outlook this 2011 is reinforced by the international consultant Everest Research, which declared the Philippines as number one global destination in the voice BPO services sector.
In the next five years, the global non-voice services sector (including such services as financial services, health care, legal outsourcing, animation, and game development) is expected to grow by as much as 25 percent a year, while the voice BPO market is expected to double in size.
The key to achieving the goal is to increase the awareness of potential employees of job opportunities in IT and BPO companies, including those in the knowledge process outsourcing and other non-voice sectors.
The sector is also geared at improving its international visibility to market new services in new territories.

Source: Dagooc, Ehda. "Cebu gains global interest as premier BPO investment hub." 10 May 2011. Cebu's The Freeman. Accessed 10 May 2011. Link Here.
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