Projects are different from regular routines and operations of the organization because they are usually one-time endeavors with a specific set of goals.
Projects may range from small-scale undertakings involving a special team to organization-wide projects that require the participation of every department and organization member.
Projects are undertaken using resources specially allocated for it by the organization and have to be completed within a limited time frame.
Effective project management or project management services are important to make sure that all activities in line with the special undertaking are properly planned, organized, implemented, coordinated and monitored.
There are several techniques and approaches that can be applied in order to properly manage a project.
In order to effectively manage a project, an organization has to hire the services of an experienced project management consultant, take advantage of applicable software, utilize risk assessment, and understand and make use of PERT and Gantt Charts.
I. Hire an experienced project management consultant
Companies usually appoint an employee as a project manager to oversee the tasks and activities involved in the project. This is effective if the employee has previous experience regarding the project at hand and is familiar with the departments and responsibilities involved.
However, if the project is something new and complex and goes beyond the experience and expertise of the designated manager, it might be wise to hire an experienced project management consultant to assist the project leader.
Project management consultants simplify the processes involved and help the project management members understand the whole scope of the undertaking.
Projects usually have to be accomplished in a limited amount of time and consultants help speed up the process by preventing delays and mistakes.
II. Take advantage of project management software
There are many software programs and Internet-based applications that are specifically designed to help plan, organize and coordinate projects and streamline the management process.
These project management software applications have functions that break down the project into specific tasks and allocate resources for each, monitor the progress made, enable project crashing and many others.
By integrating technology onto the activities of the team time and mistakes can be reduced.
III. Use risk assessment
Risk assessment is important for projects and an essential technique in project management.
Risk assessment involves identifying the potential risks that may arise in the course of the project, analyzing these risks and prioritizing them. Risk assessment can help the project team strategize effectively and prepare solutions to problems that might occur, thus saving time and resources.
IV. Understand and Use PERT and Gantt charts
One of the most basic and fundamental tools that have been used in project management are the Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Gantt charts. These tools have long been applied in project management even before the Internet or computer technology became available.
PERT charts are used to identify the sequence of tasks and help to determine which tasks are dependent on the others.
On the other hand Gantt charts help determine the order that the tasks should be completed. Understanding the concepts behind Gantt and PERT charts also helps the project management team allocate their resources efficiently and can serve as a guide for all team members in accomplishing their tasks.
Every project is crucial to the success of the organization and its members who need to be equipped with effective and appropriate management techniques.

“Effective Project Management Techniques and Approaches.” 27 January 2011. The Manila Bulletin. Accessed 28 January 2011. Link Here.
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