For small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), social media can supplement traditional marketing campaigns and boost products and services’ presence in the attention of targeted market segments.
Anyone or any business can create a social media account online for free, however it should not be seen as without cost. Time, manpower, promotions, contests, among other resources, needto be considered.
Here are some lessons in social media for small and medium enterprises.
SMEs can consider outsourcing their social media promotions to specialists; but there must be at least one person in-house, the lead entrepreneur himself or herself, who needs to be familiar with how the promotions’ is going to proceed.
Companies who would like to consider integrating social media in their marketing programs can either create a one-year plan or on a per campaign basis. Should a one-year option be taken, it is recommended to review the plan regularly and measure its effectiveness with metrics.
It is also recommended, that social media should be a long-term strategy for the entrepreneur or company.
The focus of the promotions should be more on what will matter to the audience, in order to capture their attention or get them engaged, rather than using it as a platform for blatant pitches.
A program also needs to be sustained or continuous and evolving. This can be done in combination with product updates and user-generated content. This is especially true if the product or service or brand is hardly known to the majority.
Social media campaigns that will call attention are those that are in a sense, extraordinary. If an entity will just launch a promotion that everyone else commonly uses, it will hardly merit any attention. Strive to be different with your approach.
Remember as well that running campaigns need not be expensive. However, the experience or the offer must be exciting enough to fascinate the target audience.

Toral, Janette. “Social Marketing for SMEs.” 19 January 2011. Sun star Daily. Accessed 21 January 2011. Link Here.
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