

Businesses in the Philipines look forward to stretch out gains in the remaining quarter of 2010, buoyed by high confidence in the new Presidential administration of Benigno Aquino III and the bullish run of the financial markets.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

If we talk numbers, Dun & Bradstreet’s Business Optimism Index reports volume of sales increased to 70 percent while net profits registered the biggest rise among the indices, to 63 percent in the third quarter.

The index also showed that the finance, insurance and real estate sectors in the country are set to hire new employees (+24 percent), followed by services sector (+21 percent) and the construction sectors (+18 percent).

There is an expected 6.5 percent growth target for the third quarter this 2010 as economic managers are advised to revise targets for 2011.

The Philippine economy is observed to be on an upswing. The country’s agriculture sector is foresighted to rise. There’ll be also growth in the mining, services, manufacturing, real estate and finance sectors for 2011.

Outsourcing Solutions, Inc. – your outsourcing partner!

Reference: Lopez, Virgil. “Survey: Business expect merry Christmas.” 15 October 2010. The Sun Star Manila. Accessed 19 October 2010. Link Here


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