Cebu launches its first Technology Business Incubator (TBI) at the University of the Philippines Visayas Cebu College (UPVCC), with the full support of local tech entrepreneurs, the Ayala Foundation and the Department of Science and Technology.
The TBI is a facility where technology based start-ups can be nurtured and budding entrepreneurs in IT and software development are given knowledge and skills to succeed in this sector. The facility provides both office space and services.
This facility is established to cultivate “brain-gain” in a nation for countless of decades have suffered from “brain-drain”, where locally-educated experts are attracted by large multinationals here and abroad to work as employees rather than going on their own as developers and start-ups.
It is also hoped that the facility will attract Filipino tech designers and developers abroad to return home, invest in their skills and talent and become tech entrepreneurs.
The facility will encourage brilliant developers and entrepreneurs to pursue their tech innovations or inventions then provide support and assistance to gain recognition in the markets.
Dagooc, Ehda. “Cebu’s first IT incubation facility gets DOST support.” 15 February 2010. The Freeman Cebu. Accessed 16 February 2010. Link Here

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