In any society, its future relies on the youth. The Philippines is a country whose great economic potential is dependent on its youth sector, a strong stream of competent human resources.
Find out how you can effectively draw on from this resource to revitalize your business processes.
The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry receives a steady influx of young applicants from university campuses to join its production ranks. Most are trainable, open-minded and eager—the rare gems are those who are driven, committed, competent and confident.
To acquire or develop such employee talent and retain it, is the challenge facing many BPO companies; not only in the Philippines but in India, China and other business destinations as well.
If you’re going to business with an outsourcing provider, you have to take on a firm, eyes-and-hands-on approach especially on how your provider hires and handles the personnel who are going to work on your project.
A majority of the personnel that your provider would be hiring for you are fresh graduates or young professionals in their early twenties and thirties.
Before you adapt your personal leadership-management style to your fresh, young off-shore employees, please consider first their needs and motivations. By doing so, you can perform adaptations in order to influence them to deliver to your expectations.
I. Empowered Communications. Communication can be a powerful thing, particularly when it is done in a proper, positive and proactive manner. Through communication, you and your young employees can learn from each other. When there is learning, there is sure to be growth.
Express your expectations clearly, allow them to voice out their own expectations and concerns, listen and provide information, give them opportunity to participate and perform their own decisions, give them constant feedback and fair appraisal on their performance, and show adequate appreciation when they do perform well.
Through empowerment, your young employees would invest more than time and effort. By due appraisal and appreciation, you would earn their respect and loyalty.
II. Attractive Compensation and Benefit packages. Attractive salaries, benefits and job stability would always be priority considerations for young applicants in searching for a job but they are also susceptible to these fast ever-changing, modern times so you must be flexible in meeting their needs.
III. Chances for Career Development. Getting them to work for you is one thing, keeping them is another matter. Most young employees require more than just pay to keep them to stay, they would need a sense of personal accomplishment and loving the work that they do. You may have to design careers, or at least work environments, that are engaging.
Provide opportunities for your young employees to visualize their futures working within your company through training programs and development seminars though these are not without risk, so use discretion and you may have to apply it to those you deem loyal and deserving
IV. Mobility Allowances. Prepare replacement programs in the eventuality of employee attrition. Most young employees are in the point of their lives when they don’t see themselves tied to one company or industry for the long-term. That’s the reality that must be dealt with.
V. Focus on Shared Values. When your young employees see that your company or project shares certain mutual values or goals with theirs, that would be good reason for them to stay on and work even harder.
VI. Unity through Diversity. Harness similarities but don’t discount differences. Most young employees bear strong sense of self and individuality and may not initially conform well to the company’s work culture.
However, when cultivated well on compromise and common ground, such individuality could be a source of innovation and ingenuity that can revitalize your company or project to keep going for the long-term.

- Dela Peña, Gerard. “RP enjoys a population advantage.” 30 June 2008. Businessworld. Accessed 4 July 2008. Link here.
- Franco, Edna; Hechanova, Gina & Pena-Alampay, Liane. “Managing Young Filipino Workers”. 7 September 2008. Philippine Daily Inquirer. Accessed 8 September 2008. Link here
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