In business, the relationships that you make and maintain matter in achieving success.
Do you need to stay connected and current with your customers but do not have the tech and the know-how?
Outsource your business’ social networking challenges and reach new heights in customer service and business success.
Social networking is building online communities of people who share similar interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services, communicate and share information.
Aside from individuals, social networking technologies can benefit organizations such a business enterprises and companies in processes such as customer (internal and external) service and marketing.
Companies can regard social networking as an avenue to help them keep in touch with the needs and demands of their customers as well as business partners.
Even IBM is taking Social Networking seriously. The company established a research center, The IBM Center for Social Software, dedicated to research and development in the social media technology space.
Connect with your Customers and Get real close. It’s time to communicate with them using the processes, systems and apps they want to use. Social networking can make your business company more accessible to your clientele, help remove barriers and improve your response time to catering to your customers’ needs and demands. You can be on-top on what are current and what are relevant for your customers and
partners, and that is something you want to happen.
Here are some reasons why you and your company should venture into social networking:
Honesty was, is and always will be the best policy. Be it the process, service or product– people demand the genuine article. Today, transparency and authenticity is hold in high value so to earn credibility, trust is the new currency. Social networking can give your company that opportunity to be recognized as trustworthy.
Social networking as a real-time platform can assist you in providing for your customers and business partners deal with new issues and relevant information efficiently.
Your coordination with staff and partners on advertising, CO-OP, channel promotional programs and product introductions can be truly collaborative when social networking is used. Using social networking platforms can deliver more speed and accuracy than has been possible in other approaches, especially those that are manually driven.
Apply your service attitude to social networking. Connect with their customers and listen to them. Get plugged in to what your customers really think. Social networking could be an avenue where customers can contribute through feedback improvements to a particular product or service.
The long-ago vision of team selling in Partner Relationship Management (PRM) platforms is now a reality in social networking. If knowledge and insight into solving tough customer problems is how you win business over just price, then social networking can make team selling all the more valuable.
In the long run, social networking can transform your company with a more market-driven, responsive content management. Collaboration with partners, staff and customers, critical knowledge in your company can be captured and put into context. The area of defining roles and processes is coming to social networking, and that will transform it completely (as well as your company) than it is seen

- “Social Network Service.” 14 June 2005. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
- “Professional network service.” 25 January 2008. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
- Israel, Shel. “Getting Intimate (With Customers) on Twitter.” 13 September 2008. CRM Buyer. Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
- Morphy, Erika. “IBM Gets Serious About Social Networking With New Research Center.” 17 September 2008. Ecommerce Times. Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
- Columbus, Louis. “10 Reasons to Adopt a Social Networking Business Strategy.” 15 September 2008. CRM Buyer. Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
- Robb, Drew. “IT Outsourcing for Small Business.” 17 September 2008. Small Business Accessed 18 September 2008. Link here
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